Sunday, April 19, 2009

Nothing but the truth (pre-thoughts)

I have read finished the novel from Avi, Nothing but the truth (nbtt). I felt it as a good book as its format in dialogue captures people attention, the order of events are clearly stated and there are several meaningful yet thought-invoking discussion questions at the back of the book. To begin my first post about nbtt, I will pen down several misconceptions that most people have when they have read finished their book.
  • Everyone thought Miss Narwin was the one who suspended Philip, but in actual fact she was strongly against it! It was Dr Palleni who did the suspension
  • Humming or singing? That's the most important question of all

I am very sure of these two misconceptions when I read the book for its first time. However, I cannot guarentee these are the correct and only misconception as Ms Soh has not gone through it yet. Jake Barlow was not helping the matter much and was biased against Miss Narwin and Miss Steward wasn't any better spreading rumours. So as of now, I feel that Miss Narwin is the victim unless someone else convices me.


  1. I simply agree with you. How can anyone say Philip is the victim? Miss Narwin was just following the school rules!(what's wrong with that?). She was also concerned for Philip but the latter misunderstood her and hated her instead! She had no face to go out, because she was the top enemy in everyone's minds! She was forced to leave the job that she has so much passion for so abruptly all because of Philip! It's all so cruel. She's the victim, man. Anyway, the end of the book has an irony in which Philip doesn't even know how to sing the Star-Spangled Banner! Ridiculous...

  2. In my opinion,Miss Narwin is to be sympathised with.She merely sought to correct Philip's behaviour during assembly but with the interference of the dumb tabloid,Manchester Record,she was accused of being non-patriotic because of her act of stopping Philip sing the Star-Spangled Banner.Miss Narwin was also denied the opportunity to attend "New approaches to the teaching of Literature for Today's students" as funds were not provided for her.
    A few facts that I must make clear.
    1.Did Philip want to take revenge on Mrs Narwin for indirectly causing him to be out of the track team?
    2.The book is written in forms of memos and conversations.May the reason to this be that Avi wants to present the story in a more objective manner? Besides that,was the showing of Philip writing in his diary and Mrs Narwin writing to her sister a symbolical connection?
    3.Why is the time and date written on every starting of the paragraph?

    Oh by the way Derrick,Philip saying that he did not know the words was an expression of his shock at how things have turned for the worse.


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